Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 7 Reasons Your Cat May Be Sleeping All Day

woman securely holding a cat with two hands


On the couch, the kitchen area counter, the bed, behind the drape, your computer system, your printer, your head … What do all of these places share? If you’re a feline moms and dad, you understand the answer: Your feline has slept there. Those places and a lot more are preferred resting areas for cats.

Cats invest 15– 20 hours a day resting or sleeping. Here are 7 reasons your feline may be sleeping and how to inform if your cat has a regular sleeping pattern.

Your Cat May Be Nocturnal
One of the reasons your cat sleeps a lot during the day might be because he’s up at night hunting imaginary mice. Your feline might be keeping to his ancient roots, acting as a predator at night, and sleeping it off during the day.

Your Cat Might Be Conserving Energy
Felines are predators (and also victim). Like many predators, they conserve energy by resting or sleeping, conserving up for the bursts of time when they will do the most hunting. This sleep/hunt cycle isn’t a cause for concern.

Perhaps He Isn’t Sleeping When You Think He Is
In some cases felines just struck the pause button and take a short breather– a “cat nap,” if you will. Your cat might have his eyes partly closed or even totally closed, however his ears or tail may still be moving periodically.

Your Cat Might Be Bored
When there’s nothing to do, in some cases animals sleep more. There are great deals of ways you can improve your feline’s life to reduce boredom. You could build your feline a catio (a safe outdoor space for your cat) or some climbing racks. If your building and construction abilities aren’t approximately that task, providing enrichment toys is an easier method to keep your cat busy. Offer your brand-new kitten or adult feline 3 various kinds of toys a day. See what he plays with and after that buy those types of toys in different styles or colors. By finding his choice and then acquiring that kind of toy, you’ll help avoid dullness.

Your Cat Might Be Stressed
Concealing and being less active are coping tools felines utilize when they’re afraid or stressed out. If your cat hides from the family, only engages with one relative, conceals during storms or gets anxious when you are gone, he might be really stressed out. Sleeping more might be his coping tool. Ask your primary care veterinarian about how stress affects your cat. She might refer you to a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. You can likewise learn more about cat stress and what you can do to decrease it in the book Decoding your Cat.

Your Cat Might be Sick or Uncomfortable
Cats conceal and are less active when they are ill or not feeling well. If your cat is investing the majority of this time under the bed or high up in the feline tree, he may be in pain or uneasy.

If your cat is overweight, he might not be able to walk around very much and may rest since it’s agonizing to move. Obesity in felines is a serious issue that can result in discomfort when moving or endocrine illness that require lifelong treatment. If you can’t easily feel your feline’s ribs, make a consultation with your medical care veterinarian to have his general health assessed.

Perhaps You Need to Sleep More and Your Cat’s Sleep Patterns are Normal
Sleeping helps cats (and you!) recharge. Proper sleep is important for the body immune system and general health. Cats, unlike us, appear to understand that sleep is inherently valuable and invest the time to charge. Your cat may not be sleeping too much; you might be sleeping too little!

Sleeping and resting as much as 20 hours a day is normal for your cat. If he is feeling well, his life is enriched, and he is healthy, simply go with it. Possibly you could use a nap too!

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