Actress Dianne Scott’s Sweet Pit Bulls Changed Her Perception of the Breed—and Now She’s an Advocate for Pits

Like lots of people, starlet Dianne Scott spent most of her life believing that pit bulls were dangerous, thanks to incorrect and overblown media representation. So when, in 2012, her spouse suggested that they adopt a pit bull mix from a shelter, she had her doubts. ” My gut reaction was, don’t we want to…

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Meet the 2021 American Kennel Club (AKC) National Agility Championship Winners

A few of the quickest pups around were crowned the champions at The American Kennel Club (AKC) National Dexterity Champion, taking place March 26-28 at a livestock complex in Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to the AKC, “The exposition is an indoor, climate-controlled horse arena on dirt and has multiple rings set up for competition. After the…

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